River Tracking

River Tracking
Pemandangan indah dan sejuk nya alam eagle hill membuat peserta nyaman selama mengikuti traking sungai..yang kuat membantu yang lemah

Jumat, 24 September 2010

Eagle Hill

"When Wealth is Lost, Nothing is lost.; When Health is Lost, Something is Lost.; When Character is Lost, All is Lost"

Senin, 20 September 2010

Program Outbound

 Outbound di Puncak (Eagle Hill) mempunyai Program :
   1. Fun Gathering
  2. Leadership Adventure Camp
  3. Character Building Reinforcement
  4. Communication Pillar
  5. Team Building
  6. Power Motivation
  7. Vision Mission Refreshment
  8. Super Camp
  9. Creativity
10. Paint Ball: Forest War   (Perang Hutan)
11. Kid Station   (Area Anak anak)
12. Jungle Survival   (Bertahan Hidup)
13. Treasure Hunt   (Berburu Harta Karun) 
14. River Tracking   (Tracking Sungai)

Kamis, 16 September 2010


"Creativity Is a Mental Process Involving the Discovery of New Ideas or Concept" (Eagle Hill Outbound BogorBachtiar-Eagle Hill)

Senin, 06 September 2010


"Together Everyone Achieves More!"

Minggu, 05 September 2010


"Good Leader Sometimes tell People What to do, but Leadership isn't just Giving Directions it is Liberating People to do What is needed in the Best Possible Way..."

Kamis, 02 September 2010

Outing di puncak

"Charisma can bring you on the top, but only CHARACTER sustain you there..!"

Eagle Hill merupakan lokasi outing di puncak yang tepat, terutama bagi kalangan profesional ataupun untuk gathering baik karyawan sendiri ataupun untuk bersama dengan keluarga


Tanpa KERJASAMA, mustahil hal yang besar dapat kita capai


Mengalahkan rasa takut, taat instruksi dan kemampuan strategy keseimbangan sangat diperlukan